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Types of Homeless Cats & the Benefits of Feeding Them


Types of Homeless Cats & the Benefits of Feeding Them

Since there is an overpopulation of street animals and not enough food for them all, many stray cats are underweight and sick. By giving them a regular supply of appropriate food, you can help keep them healthy. Here are three types of colony cats. 


A feral cat wants nothing to do with humans. Most would be miserable if they were brought into a house, and would hide the entire time. They are typically born outside and taught how to survive by their mother. Note: just because a cat is born outside does not mean it is feral. A feral cat, by definition, wants nothing to do with people.


A feeder-friendly cat is a feral cat, or a cat that used to be feral, that will approach its feeder and allow the feeder to even pet them. Usually they are still cautious, and if someone is with the feeder they will stay back. They are not social cats; they only trust the person who brings them food.


A social cat is one that would be happy to live in a home with humans and interact with them. Social cats are your typical house cat, and do not belong outside. Most lack the basic skills needed to survive, such as avoiding roads and people who may do them harm.

Benefits of Feeding Stray / Colony Cats:

● Stray cats get nutritious food every day which improves their health
● Stray cats learn to become friendlier to people
● Meal times can be used to keep track of cats in your area
● Stray cats get used to being handled which makes it easier to catch them for sterilization or medical treatment
● You make new furry friends!
Meals can be given 1-2 times a day. If meals are provided regularly at the same time every day, the cats quickly learn when and where to expect food and might even wait for you. Meal times are a good time to observe and keep track of any
changes in the health and temperament of the cats. By feeding cats regularly, you are helping the cats get used to you. Eventually you might even be to touch them and pet them. This will be useful when it comes to taking cats for vet visits or getting them sterilized. It is advisable to get all healthy stray cats sterilized so that they do not have unwanted litters. Cats should also be vaccinated yearly and given parasite protection, when possible, to ensure the health of the colony.